Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab

Objective : The students can study the characteristics of electronic components and measuring instruments. They can analyze the characteristics PN, Zener diode, designrectifiers with and without filters, analyzetransistorcharacteristics, studyfrequency response of amplifiers, measure frequency, phase of signals.
Major Equipments:
  1. Ammeters
  2. Digital Multi-meter
  3. Dual Regulated Power Supply
  4. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (30 MHz)
  5. Function Generator
  6. Decade Resistance Box
  7. Decade Capacitance Box
  8. Decade Inductance Box
  9. Digital IC Trainer Kit
  10. CRO Probes

Digital System Design Lab

Objective : Implement using digital ICs, all experiments to be carried out.
Major Equipments:
  1. 5 V Fixed Regulated PowerSupply/ 0-5V or more Regulated Power Supply.
  2. 20 MHz Oscilloscopewith Dual Channel.
  3. Bread board and components/ Trainer Kit.
  4. Multimeter

Basic Simulation Lab

Objective : To learn basic Operations onMatrices, To generate various signals andsystems, To simulate operations on signals andsystems.4.To simulate various random variables andprocesses.
Major Equipments:
  1. Computer System with latest specifications connected
  2. Window Xp or equivalent.
  3. Simulation software-MAT Lab or any equivalent simulation software.

Analog and Digital Communications Lab

Objective : Analog communication lab is a part of curriculum for students, Enrich the students in latest advancements in Analog communications, Conduct the experiments as specified by JNTUH.
Major Equipments:
  1. Amplitude modulator
  2. Balance modulato
  3. Frequency Modulator
  4. CROs: 20MHz
  5. Function Generators: 2MHz
  6. Spectrum Analyzer
  7. RegulatedPower Supplies: 0-30V
  8. MAT Lab/Equivalent Simulation Package with Communication tool box
  9. Analog and Digital Modulation and Demodulation Trainer Kits

Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab

Objective : This lab caters mainly to the EE380 and EE381 Electronic Circuit laboratories for 3rd year Electrical Engineering students. Each lab experiment has a design part, simulation and an actual experimental verification in the laboratory (bread-boarding/soldering). The basic objective is to give hands-on experience in the design and implementation of analog and mixed-signal circuits.
Major Equipments:
  1. CommonEmitter Amplifier
  2. Two Stage RC Coupled Amplifier
  3. Cascode amplifierCircuit
  4. Darlington PairCircuit
  5. Current Shunt Feedback amplifierCircuit
  6. Voltage Series Feedback amplifierCircuit
  7. RC Phase shift OscillatorCircuit
  8. Hartley and Colpitts OscillatorsCircuit
  9. Class A power amplifier
  10. Class B Complementary symmetry amplifier
  11. Design a Monostable Multivibrator
  12. The output voltage waveform of Miller Sweep Circuit

Linear IC Applications Lab

Objective : Linear IC Applications Lab facilitates learning, verifying and designing the functionality of Operational amplifier and various other Integrated circuits.
Major Equipments:
  1. Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer
  2. Dual Channel Regulated Power Supplies
  3. Dual trace CathodeRay Oscilloscopes
  4. Function Generators
  5. DMM (Mains and Battery operated)
  6. Linear and Digital IC Trainer kits
  7. IC Tester
  8. LICATrainer kits
  9. Bread Board Systems

Digital IC Applications Lab

Objective : Digital IC Applications Lab facilitates learning, verifying and designing the functionality of Operational amplifier and various other Integrated circuits.
Major Equipments:
  1. Servo Controlled Voltage Stabilizer
  2. Dual Channel Regulated Power Supplies
  3. Dual trace CathodeRay Oscilloscopes
  4. Function Generators
  5. DMM (Mains and Battery operated)
  6. Digital IC Trainer kits
  7. IC Tester
  8. DICA Trainer kits
  9. Bread Board Systems

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab

Objective :The main objective of the Microprocessor & Microcontroller lab facility is to enable the students to gain practical knowledge about various types of microprocessors and microcontrollers and to develop their own programs and implement the same in microprocessors/microcontrollers for various applications in electronics
Major Equipments:
  1. 8086 Trainer Kit(8086 LCD)
  2. 8051 Trainer Kit
  3. Interfacing with 8086 PC add on cards with 8255
  4. Interfacing with 8086 PC add on cards with 8253
  5. Interfacing with 8086 PC add on cards with 8279
  6. Interfacing with 8086 PC add on cards with 8251
  7. Stepper motor interfacing module
  8. Stepper Motor Controller with motor

Microwave Engineering Lab

Objective :The lab course will give a practical exposure to students to learn the characteristics of Microwave components. To gain the practical hands on experience by exposing the students to various microwave components..
Major Equipments:
  1. Microwave bench
  2. Klystron power supply
  3. VSWR meters
  4. Fixed attenuator
  5. Directional coupler
  6. Magic Tee
  7. E-plane tee
  8. H-plane tee
  9. Circulator
  10. Antenna parameter measurement Trainer

VLSI and E-CAD Lab

Objective :Thiscourse givesthe opportunity to the students to learn about the configuration and simulation of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits & Systems. The main purpose of this lab course is to explore various design style of simple and complex Integrated Circuits(IC) near to students. In this laboratory students are able to understand about models and model parameters of MOSFET amplifier CMOS Inverter etc. which are suited for IC Technology.
Major Equipments:
  1. Windows

Digital Signal Processing Lab

Objective :To implement Linear and Circular Convolution. To implement FIR and IIR filters. To study the architecture of DSP processor..
Major Equipments:
  1. Code Composer Studio
  2. MatLab
  3. DSP Trainer Kit

Microwave Engineering Lab

Objective :The lab course will give a practical exposure to students to learn the characteristics of Microwave components. To gain the practical hands on experience by exposing the students to various microwave components..
Major Equipments:
  1. Microwave bench
  2. Klystron power supply
  3. VSWR meters
  4. Fixed attenuator
  5. Directional coupler
  6. Magic Tee
  7. E-plane tee
  8. H-plane tee
  9. Circulator
  10. Antenna parameter measurement Trainer